Feedback questionnaires: why do we have to rate every little thing

October 1, 2024
I bought tickets for an event in London the other day. It was simply "click and buy." It took about five seconds. And about five seconds after that, I got this email: My name is Isabel and I’m part of the Research team at Fever.We noticed that you recently purchased a ticket for...

Feedback questionnaires: why do we have to rate every littl...

October 1, 2024
I bought tickets for an event in London the other day. It was simply "click and buy." It took about five seconds. And about five seconds after that, I got this...

How our own self-destructive behavior will do us in

September 25, 2024
I'm going to get political. Why? Well, first, this is my website. It represents me and a huge part of me includes my opinions. My opinion is that our democracy is in...

Chopped salad recipe tickles the taste buds

September 17, 2024
Ok, so maybe not the healthiest chopped salad recipe ever, but I've made a few adjustments that helps make it healthier. I came across a version of this on Carnie...

Appropriate? In good taste?

September 12, 2024
APPROPRIATE? No, not the Broadway play, although I did see it a few months ago. I'm talking about the concept. This morning before dawn I was blindsided by an...

Something to read at the soda shop

September 9, 2024
Our group of intrepid bloggers invites you to join them at the soda fountain, today! Laurie Recently, Laurie was at her mailbox when she heard the familiar low...

Who has your back?

September 4, 2024
The other day I was feeling pretty low for a number of reasons. Almost immediately, Cutie positioned herself in front of me, as if to guard me. No matter where I...

A vote is not a valentine

August 27, 2024
I feel so strongly about the danger posed to democracy by what passes for a Republican Party today and our need to get out the blue vote that I'm making the...

When you don’t fit the mold

August 20, 2024
I think she is absolutely gorgeous. Sexy. Hot. But she doesn't fit the mold. All kinds of molds. And she sure looks like fun, doesn't she? Like someone I'd...

I would not give you false hope

August 14, 2024
But I would not give you false hope on this strange and mournful day.    ~Paul Simon The America that we believe ourselves to be is no longer the America that we...

Some things we should never say

August 5, 2024
There are some things we just should never say. I know how you feel. You don't. People in pain or with a complaint want to be heard. This is especially true...

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Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.


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