Gypsy Boomers on the move

May 17, 2013
We are women of a certain age,
gypsy Baby Boomers from tribes all over the country
with children and without,
with ex husbands and late husbands,
old careers and new ventures
but all 10 of us with spirit,
and all that spirit is in the air right now
—literally in the air–
and gathering tonight in Manhattan
for five days of fun and frolic.
We are educators and administrators,
executives and artists,
consultants and writers,
Jews and Christians,
or we defy categorization.
We’re going to plays and museums,
to jazz clubs and fine restaurants,
to memorials and in memoriam
and we’re doing it all with the same enthusiasm
with which we’ve embraced life
from the moment we took our first breaths,
which is to say so much enthusiasm
it could light the planet.
This is not your mother’s “girls’ trip”.
Stay tuned.
2 comments on “Gypsy Boomers on the move
  1. Awesome that you’re all there! I’ll monitor the 24-hour news channels.

  2. Ellen Dolgen says:

    oh boy – watch out NYC! Have a blast, ladies!

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