6 easy steps to a healthy trout dinner

May 15, 2012

Our neighbor brought over three fresh trout the other day. A friend of his loves to fish, but hates eating fish. We, and our neighbors, were beneficiaries of his fishing skill.

I love trout. I’m glad they make a healthy meal, but I truly do love trout and couldn’t wait to fix them. Here’s what I did:

I dredged them in a mixture of flour, pepper, oregano and Mrs. Dash and threw them in a frying pan with some olive oil.

Frying up some fish. The spatter screen (L) didn’t help much.

M. loves sweet corn. Had some in the fridge so I set it to boil.

M dislikes green beans but they’re a favorite of mine. And of Riley’s! I’d steamed up a heap of them a day or two before, so they were ready to be heated. Mine were delicious plain, but I put a little butter in with his to make them more palatable.

Gorgeous red tomatoes

These looked just beautiful, but failed to live up to their promise. Completely tasteless. Obviously bred for shipping and nothing else. Heading off to the Farmers’ Market this weekend to find some that actually taste like something.

Our own lemons

When the trout skin was dark and the flesh looked just about cooked, I flipped them and finished them on the fleshy side for just a minute. Could anything be easier? Then: a squeeze of lemon–tasty, healthy and filling.

Like the entire meal. Except for those tomatoes.

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