A Blip

August 14, 2009

While you’re playing this weekend, please take a moment to shoot a prayer or two our way. I’m heading downstate in the morning because my fabulous husband is having a heart catheterization on Monday.

Apparently, he’s had a blockage in a blood vessel feeding the heart. The procedure will determine what must be done to treat it. That “something” will happen immediately, once they see what’s going on.

We are going to spend a peaceful weekend in Miami and then once the procedure is over, we’ll have a peaceful life together. And yes, M. will retire. No more work.

Meanwhile we sure could use prayers for a good outcome, rapid recovery and prayers to help us with our anxiety.

The anxiety part is for us both. But also for me. Because God knows there won’t be any Valium coming my way.

Thank you.

2 comments on “A Blip
  1. Alan says:

    My thoughts are with the both of you. I’m sure he’ll be fine. Glad to hear he will retire. I would if I could!

  2. Diana Strinati Baur says:

    It will be ok, It’s been caught in time, and he will heal from this. Good decision about retiring. There are a million ways to stay active without having to work in a stress job. Try to relax if you can.

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