A contest!

July 30, 2010

Oh, it’s Friday. (Well, it’s actually Thursday night, but it will be Friday when most of you read this.) Time for some fun.

Riley says that living the life of a spoiled maltipoo is unfulfilling. He says that he is the Mother Theresa of dogs, only male, and really wants to help people.

You may want to know What Would Riley Do? about a bunch of topics. Maybe world peace. Maybe capital punishment. Or maybe what to wear to work on Monday.

So here’s the deal:

Leave a comment here on the blog, on Facebook or Twitter suggesting topics Riley can address in upcoming What Would Riley Do? features. You can leave a comment each day through Sunday night. Right here, or on the daily contest posts that will run Friday through Sunday.

I’ll pick the best idea and also another one at random, so everyone has a chance to win.

What will you win? A What Would Riley Do? coffee mug!

I know, I know, you’re dying for one. And who wouldn’t be?

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