A cup and a monkey seem sane in comparison

January 16, 2011

I went over to Santa Cruz this morning to meet a girlfriend for brunch and a movie. On our way to the cinema, we met this guy:

This is the Great Morgani. He used to be a stockbroker, but now he’s a street musician, performance artist and entertainer. He plays the accordion.
You might notice that his entire body is covered from head to foot, including his accordion. He’s a friendly guy, so we stopped to chat for a while. He claims that his services are 100% family friendly and suitable for kids. But every kid he tried to entice over wanted no part of him. (We could see why.)
This particular costume is called “Oh what a tangled web we weave….” It was terrifying enough. But then I went to his website and saw his other costumes, which look like they belong in a horror flick. Take a look: http://www.thegreatmorgani.com/

Yeah, the stuff of which nightmares are made.

Nice guy; strange ideas about entertaining kids.

You’ve simply got to love Santa Cruz.

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