Traveling light: a life without luggage

November 10, 2013

Not too long ago I had an online dialogue with a friend about the benefits of traveling light. That is, going through life without luggage–both figuratively and literally. He–Carey Giudici– had such a great take on it that I asked if he’d write a guest post. Carey’s an unusual guy–I met him on Facebook and he’s become one of my most favorite people. Since I’m in India, I thought this would be a good time for his inspirational guest post. And here it is:


It’s been great living as a “road bum” in twenty four countries for a total of fourteen years. So I know something about luggage.

During too many glorious journeys, bags hung heavily in my hand, or their straps twisted my shoulder. But as the years and adventures increased, I learned how to live without so much stuff.

Luggage became as wearisome as that non-stop talker in the next tiny airplane seat. And lots of what I carried around never even got worn! So traveling with a smaller bag became as important as getting an aisle seat for a transcontinental flight.

Who knows how many wonderful sights and extraordinary people I missed while wrestling all  those pants and shoes down Bangkok’s Rama IV Road, Kenyatta Avenue or Bangalore’s Tamil Cantonment? My new rule became: plan on wearing something until I was sure to get sick of it, or leave it in my drawer.


I’ve also learned over the years that mental luggage is much more distracting and wearisome than physical stuff. And a lot harder to unpack.   So I started to travel light early.

First I ditched the silly preconceptions and stereotypes. Before being old enough to drink in many states, I learned that anything I thought I knew about a country, people or culture would turn out to be wrong. 

Discarding my long-held assumptions and false truisms became an invigorating habit.

Being judgmental is a harder habit to break, but I’m working hard at it still.

Attitude, like a favorite checked shirt, just gets in the way. “When in doubt, throw it out.”

A few Zip-Loc bags were more practical and much easier to carry than an umbrella or extra shoes; and a healthy perspective and humane openness to the unexpected are even more practical.

So now I only take a laugh and a heart full of love on my life journey.

(And a love song doesn’t weigh anything, either)

Carey Giudici has spent his life stumbling around the world like a child. He does whatever strikes his fancy, tries to make everyone feel special, and–inspired by three incredible daughters–finds love in everything around him. He lives in Taipei now, and hangs out on Facebook.

From Carol: “A laugh and a heart full of love…” —what a great way to live!  I look forward to your comments on Carey’s guest post!







5 comments on “Traveling light: a life without luggage
  1. Jamie Henry says:

    Hi Carol! I’m so glad you invited Carey to write a guest post. I agree with you: He does try to make everyone feel special, which we all are anyway but some of us need a friend like Carey to help us realize it. I, too, met him on Facebook. Before meeting Carey, I would hardly ever post anything on Facebook….feeling that anything I’d post would be boring. My whole life I suffered with low self-esteem, but after meeting Carey I seem to be getting better….at least I hope I am. He inspired me to just be myself and convinced me that I am worthy. I started posting on FB and after some time, friends&family would comment, message and text me that they really enjoy my posts and I inspire them. Wow, never before did I ever think I could inspire someone. Definitely wasn’t expecting it and the great thing about it is I’m just being myself! It wouldn’t have been possible without Carey. “He lives in Taipei now, and hangs out on Facebook.” I really like that! Thank you, Carol, for having him here. Hope you’re having a grand time in India!

    Great post, as always, Carey! Twenty-four countries?! You’re the biggest road bum ever! So much awesomeness in your “Travel light” post, I’m at a loss of words. But I’d just like to say: Thanks for being you! Because of you, we are better. You’re changing the world one smile at a time 🙂

    • Carey Giudici says:

      Thank you so much, Jamie. This morning in my dance class Tiffany asked about you, and was surprised to learn how young you are. You’re gaining quite a following it seems! Take care and be like Gaya–refuse to compromise on what really matters.

      • Jamie Henry says:

        Gained a few FB friends, been invited to hang out by friends I don’t usually hang out with, and it’s all your fault!

  2. Susan Cooper says:

    Traveling light isn’t the easiest thing. particularly when you are attending a wedding in France and your in the wedding party…. Sigh!. I love ziplock bags to use when traveling. They really come in handy for so many different things.

    • admin says:

      Oh, i Have a whole different post coming on THAT kind of packing light! I agree with you about bags. but carey’s concept was a different one…I loved it!

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