A nod to the Everly Brothers and other retro stuff

October 2, 2012
 I don’t know why someone didn’t think of this before now.
Oh wait. You were born after 1970?
Ok then. It’s a nod to an Everly Brothers song.
And now that I’ve started, let’s keep going!
Time for some fun.
There’s something about the fashion back then that just screamed “attitude!”
 Come to think of it, it IS an ugly word.
I get it. Sometimes, it’s the best medicine.
 And what a satisfying feeling!
Completely. Relate.
 Not true back then, but sure is now.
Something to remember if you’re tempted to change jobs because of your crazy work environment.
There IS that feeling of superiority, but it fades quickly with the daily aggravation.
 I remember those days.
Up to 75% of women. Wow.
 I cook, but that’s about it. Seriously.
Oh, wait. I shop, too.
Remember when all men wore those hats?
No? You’re too young.
 Truth in labeling.
(It’s a luggage tag.)
Yes, yes…I’ve thought that.
This, too.
And I don’t even drink.
An appealing thought back then.
Don’t let anyone tell you different.
Just ask Rush Limbaugh.

Ok, well, maybe not.
But, still.

Can I even tell you how much I love this one?

A sign of the times.
And that’s because my age is just…
Not. gonna. act. it.

This has always been one of my mottoes 
and I’m not the least embarrassed by any of it.
It’s an interesting life.
To say the least.
And I did have the last laugh, after all.

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