A walk before sundown

October 1, 2010

What lies down the hill and around the bend?

When we stop for a moment and look down, simple beauty abounds.

Looking up to the sky has its own pleasures.

Slowly survey the ground for nature’s hidden treasures.

Some pop right out of the stone wall in a burst of scarlet.

Pause and consider another way of life, long ago.

Vineyards speak of bountiful harvests.

Sitting solidly in a field while nature takes its course.

An abundance of wildflowers. Left alone, nature grows.

Living amidst this beauty brings simple pleasures. And also hard winters. But it’s still autumn and the snow remains a distant memory.

We usually walk by and over these petite little wildflowers, but taking a slow walk allows us to savor their delicate –yet hardy– beauty.

We call it the “rabbit log.” And bunnies often run across our path.

Have you stopped today to bask in the beauty around you?

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