Accepting what is

June 19, 2015

8540091934_6a9205085c_zAccepting life.  That means accepting what it is and what it will never be.  Today, a strange but fitting mash-up of Mad Men, Keith Haring and what I know to be true about living a happy life. It’s over at Boomeon, HERE.

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21 comments on “Accepting what is
  1. Carla says:

    I needed to see this as in this moment Im struggling to let a WANNA GO—GO.
    Which now that I type that out even *reads* as crazypants 🙂

  2. pia says:

    I need to keep striving because for me life without goals is very boring. That said there’s nothing I love more than being outside (when it’s a bit cooler) and reading

  3. I relate to what Pia says about having goals…even if that goal is to downshift and allow myself unstructured time. My goals don’t all have to be quantitative (number of miles walked, pounds lost, words written), but to simply feel a certain way (relaxed, positive, open to possibilities, be mindful).

  4. Hi Carol….I’m leaving this same comment on both sites–great post!

    Hi Carol! Such a provocative post! I do agree that life doesn’t always work out the way we hoped or planned. What’s the saying? “Life is what happens while your making other plans?” But I don’t personally see it as a sacrifice or a giving up–more like a giving in to something greater (or deeper). And while part of me agrees with your statement, “There are dreams that will go unfulfilled for each of us…” I think that for me it is more that my dreams have changed as I’ve lived. I no longer want what I used to want. I am so much more content and appreciative of what I have RIGHT NOW is very good. I’ve also learned to let go of all those wants that were coming from voices outside myself and now that I can hear my own voice inside, it reaches for things that have great value to me alone. As you say so well, “I hope we can recognize it—and accept it—for what it is: simply another chapter in and a reward for a life well-lived and a new beginning.” Thanks for all the thoughts…. ~Kathy

  5. What a great quote and so fitting to the post.

  6. Jane says:

    A wonderful topic, Carol. I think the points you make resonate with many, as they do with me.
    I am very conscious these days that some of my dreams will not be experienced in this lifetime. But that’s OK. I’m getting the feeling that I’ll carry them into the beyond, if only in the legacy I leave.

  7. “I accept death and I accept life.”

    This is profound for me, this idea of acceptance. Once we can do that, we’d have a life of no fear wouldn’t we? Sometimes I can even imagine what that would be like, but it’s such a fleeting vision and I can’t yet hold it for long.

  8. Toni McCloe says:

    What a wise and wonderful post this is and even though I never saw Mad Men ( I’m going to have to now), I got the gist of it. I am, fortunately or unfortunately one of those who is still working long after reaching retirement age. Financially, it’s a necessity and besides I am ( knock on wood) still as healthy (and happy to be) as a horse.

  9. As always you share great insights, Carol, and for me it is very timely in many ways. Let it go, let it go. Yup.

  10. I am having a hard time with this right now. I cannot let go of certain things, I wish I could because it is eating up alive.

  11. Amber K says:

    I definitely live by the Let it Go mantra. It’s not always easy, but this is a great reminder!

  12. Amy says:

    Loved your post! I’ve just now found what I want to do for the rest of my life, so I don’t see myself slowing down. I was a lost soul pretty much in my 20s and 30s. Didn’t know what I wanted to do. Very dependent. Now I’m much happier and much more aware of what’s important to me. I thoroughly love what I do, so I don’t see myself retiring anytime soon. That said, the lure of the road is strong. I would like to take long road trips with my husband. He enjoys his job too, but we live in a retirement community so many of our friends are retired. We love them dearly, but also envy them for the time they have to explore the world, spend time on hobbies, volunteer more, and so on. So I guess I’m torn between the two at this point.

  13. Britney says:

    I love that quote! I think a lot of people have a problem with letting go sometimes, because it is so hard.

  14. Such a great quote! I know alot of people that struggle with letting go of things and it causes ongoing issues.

  15. I think because of the movie, “Frozen,” people are finding it easier to “let it go!” It’s very empowering.

  16. Joy says:

    To accept not only what is not, but what I will never be, are challenging, especially the latter. These are wise words, Carol. As someone whose life trajectory took a very unpredictable turn, I still often wonder about what I could have been. I have had to let go of a lot as I uprooted myself from the society I grew up in. But really the only wise thing to do is to focus on what is and move forward. We always have many more blessings than we think if we only choose to really see.

  17. Ruth Curran says:

    Acceptance is many times easier said than done! Hoping over to Boomeon to get your full take!

  18. You bet Carol wahatevr it comes is an experience to learn from and whatever goes wasn’t for you to have

  19. Heather says:

    I think that really is the only way to be happy, you have to be happy with wear you are at in your life and accept the journey.

  20. Sandy says:

    Such a simple yet powerful quote!

  21. katrina g says:

    I have to remember to live by this. easeir said than done

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