Making it easy to do a random act of kindness

February 2, 2023

act-of-kindnessIf you read, you know I’m into random acts of kindness and also making it easy for everyone to do them this Valentines Day for people who really could use some support. Like making it possible to send a “Get Well” gift for half price.

Today I’m thinking about those who are undergoing treatment, dealing with chronic illness or otherwise ailing. I’ve put all my healing tools at half price for the next few days— so that it’s easy for you to send a gentle, supportive Valentine’s Day gift that can actually help a loved one who might need a little lift about now.


These pretty healing affirmations are under $8 on sale. What could you do that has as much impact for that little? Not much.

By the way, you don’t have to be sick to benefit from the 50-card deck of healing affirmations. They’re a great daily meditation for anyone.


The Guided Journal for Healing is based on studies that show better outcomes with pain and side effects for people who write about their illness.

Not everyone likes writing…but we make it easy by providing prompts and easy healing activities. This journal’s a favorite of customers.

It’s compact and spiral bound, so perfectly portable to bring to treatment and help while away those long hours. Also liked by those with chronic illness as a safe place to vent feelings.

Did I mention you could draw, paint or collage instead of write? The goal is to get your feelings out so they don’t stand in the way of healing.

We’ve also put both the healing cards and journal together in a duo gift, just the two of them, also incredibly affordable.

And then there’s a small healing gift that includes the cards, a tiny candle and inspirational sticker. Price cut in half.

And a large healing gift that’s often given as a chemotherapy survival kit that includes a high-end lip balm and heart shaped quartz stone. At half price.

And a special winter season get-well gift, too.

get-well gift

Contents of large healing gift package.

There’s something for everyone at my Etsy shop HERE, so click over to see all the healing gifts at half price. A way to show you care on this Valentine’s Day at a very low price. Feb 2-8 only.

You. might even want to stock up for the future because there will always be someone in your life who could use a little gentle spirit lifting.



10 comments on “Making it easy to do a random act of kindness
  1. I love reading and sharing affirmations. Sometimes it is a challenge to know what to say, so I especially appreciate the writing prompts.

  2. Jennifer says:

    I love your gift packs.

  3. Laurie Stone says:

    Beautiful, thoughtful gifts. I’m sure they’re appreciated.

  4. These are such great gifts!
    Sharing on Twitter and Facebook.

  5. Your gifts are always appreciated.

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