Day of the Dead

October 31, 2016

skullsThe Day of the Dead is a three-day celebration to honor the dead. I wrote about it –and the sugar skulls we see everywhere this time of year– in a blog post a couple years ago, right HERE. Just in case you want to know a little bit about it. You do, right?

But today, I’m sharing some of the interesting seasonal things I saw wandering around Santa Fe this month.

All-SoulsAnd yes, this is pretty much the history of any love, above. These things used to be way  more reasonably priced back in the day. Like everything else.

This one gave me the creeps. It isn’t so much the skeleton or the pose, but the HAIR. And the FACE.

But I loved this one, below:
The skeletons and skulls can be creepy, for sure, but the colorful treatment of these morbid subjects turn the darkness into light.


I love Pink Floyd. Dark Side of the Moon and all that. Had to grin at this one, how about you?


So what’s up for you this Halloween Day?

43 comments on “Day of the Dead
  1. As a hard shell Methodist I knew little about this tradition,though I have seen the colorful skulls in stores this time of year. I love Halloween, but this is a great celebration to embrace. Thanks for sharing- especially the recipe. Now I’m off to make some skulls!

  2. candy says:

    Many people don’t understand the Day of the Dead it is a day to remember and honor our loved ones that have gone before us.

  3. Haralee says:

    I agree that one skeleton is high on the creep meter! No skeleton costume for me tonight.

  4. Leanne says:

    Halloween and Day of the Dead aren’t really my thing – they always seem a bit depressing and ghoulish for my taste – although those skulls up the top (and the one wearing a hat) are doing their best to brighten things up a bit.

  5. I’ve always thought sugar skulls were so beautiful! The rest of your pics are quite pretty, too!

  6. R U S S says:

    Aaah, yeah. That skeleton gave me the creeps too! I’m not really fond of all these scary things. I have a wild imagination and I usually remember them even when I’m about to sleep & I end up getting nightmares.

    Halloween used to be a big thing for me because it meant parties and all but now, it’s become commercialized in every way possible here in my country that traffic has become terrible. We do commemorate loved ones who passed on during All Souls’ Day.

  7. These are really interesting. I never focus on the true meaning of Halloween. Thanks for the reminder. Santa Fe is so full of wonderful art and expression.

  8. We’re taking the twins trick or treating for the very first time. I can’t wait to see how they do!

  9. I love Halloween! What fun stuff!

  10. Beautiful! Love the artwork (especially the Pink Floyd). Now I’m going to go read your other post about it. I enjoy learning about cultural things like this. Thank you!

  11. Fiona says:

    Oh how fascinating! I hadn’t heard of the 3-day festival before and flicked back to your previous post. I love the idea of a festival to celebrate our loved ones who have passed, and your photos are gorgeous too. I’d love to go and see the decorations for myself one day.

  12. I just love how different cultures spice up the world! These are definitely weird finds but also so unique, creative, and awesome! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  13. Those are some pretty fancy skulls you have at the top! This would be a cool thing for a lesson for kids while they paint a skull they learn about day of the dead.

  14. I remember first hearing about this last year-from you and your post. I’m still fascinate and love these items, except the creepy one. I love Pink Floyd!

  15. Amber Myers says:

    How interesting. I love all the different decorations.

  16. I love the Day of the Dead decorations and costumes. Much better than Texas Chainsaw Murder and all that other bloody stuff. I’m more of a cute pumpkin type myself. And this year, Witches Rule!

  17. michelle says:

    The vibrancy in these pictures is amazing!

  18. Day of the Dead does creep me out a little but it is a fascinating celebration. And I love to see all the interesting decorations!

  19. Southern & Style says:

    As a history teacher I absolutely love that you are shining a light on this beautiful cultural event. I loved sharing the history of Halloween and it’s ties to the Mexican holiday today!

    xoxo, SS

    Southern And Style

  20. Halloween is a fascinating celebration! We celebrate it more for the festivity where children and adults play dressed up and treat or treating. The sugar skull looks so pretty!

  21. Crystal gard says:

    Most people I’ve met have no idea about the fact that the day of the dead is actually meant to honour loved ones passed. The sugar skulls are really pretty

  22. I love the history behind the Day of the Dead. I have quite a few friends who partake in this tradition yearly.

  23. We used to have fun getting creative with costumes, but this year we ended up staying home due to the rain. Fortunately, my son isn’t really interested in candy. We didn’t even get many trick-or-treaters.

  24. Ima says:

    A tiny bit creeped out but I have never heard about this day beforecreeper either — there seems to be a day for everything now–

    Very creative though!

  25. Estelle says:

    Wow. The creep factor is strong in these photos. Love following your journey of noticing cool things around you!

  26. Beautiful photos! It’s always so interesting to learn about different cultures and traditions. Thank you for sharing!

  27. Vyjay says:

    The figure of the skeleton looks eerie. You are right the hair and the face have a scary effect. I am sure it could scare the daylight out of me in the dark.

  28. Wow I love all the art on this page. I absolutely love Pink Floyd. I am saving this for later.

  29. Valerie says:

    If only more people would celebrate this day. It really is something.

  30. Valerie says:

    If only more people would celebrate this day. It really is something.

  31. As someone who lives in a city with a strong Hispanic Culture, I love All Souls. It’s really beautiful the way this culture thinks of the dead.

  32. Laura says:

    I like the artwork on the skulls. I’m not a Halloween fan otherwise.

  33. KUSUM says:

    They look like so much fun though! Hope you had a great Halloween 🙂
    xx, Kusum |

  34. Jill Conyers says:

    My daughter has friends over for a get together and we pass out candy. That’s the extent of our halloween celebration.

  35. My daughter used to be obsessed with these sugar skulls. I am not sure if she still is, but she would love your post.

  36. Shane says:

    The vibrant colors of these decorations are gorgeous! I would love to attend an event like this

  37. Always love reading about other cultures. While I personally would not participate, my feeling is to each his own. 🙂

  38. Elizabeth O. says:

    They’re definitely a sight worth seeing. These skulls definitely change the way you see Halloween since they’re not at all scary! Love that Pink Floyd bit!

  39. I didn’t do anything for halloween. Im not really into it to be honest.but the skulls are cute

  40. Susan cooper says:

    I think the day of the dead is a wonderful cultural holiday. Most people probably don’t realize what it’s all about, but once you know you have a new appreciation for the day of the dead.. Plus the colorful decorations are beautiful. 🙂

  41. Carolann says:

    love Pink Floyd and especially Dark Side of the Moon! What stunning artwork. You always find the most interesting things to blog about and I always learn something – which is a plus-plus! <3

  42. It’s so important for us to remember those who have passed. They have left behind so many wonderful memories for us to think back to.

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