At our age

August 4, 2010

Don’t laugh. This doesn’t just happen to the old and addled. Or maybe that’s what I’ve become, I don’t know.

I have actually forgotten where I parked. Several times in the past couple of years.

Once, in Tampa, I had lunch with a client at Mitchell’s at Westshore Mall. The parking lot got very, very crowded between the time we arrived and the time we left.

I could not find my car.

I felt like an idiot having a security officer drive me around in her truck as we searched for the car.

So, yeah, after mid-life, this IS the definition of getting lucky.

One comment on “At our age
  1. Monique says:

    Don’t feel bad, these days all the cars seem to look alike. No uniqueness to them really.

    Anyway, I thought I’d drop by and pay your blog a visit.

    Your pen pal,


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