Meditation on Atlantic fog

July 5, 2016

Atl fog 2It rained almost the entire time I was in Virginia Beach last month, giving me a moody view of Atlantic fog from my oceanside room. Living in a part of California where the sun shines just about every day and our sky is almost always blue, I enjoyed the change. Except for how wavy it made my carefully straightened hair. Oh, I remember those humid days living on the East coast.  So take a break from your summer and join me on this foggy visit to the Atlantic coast.


The view from my hotel room. Virginia Beach. June 2016

The world is wrapped in fog with no line of demarcation between the grey Atlantic Ocean and the grey sky.  Only the constant roar of the ocean, almost like static, tells me I’m at the coast.  The Pacific crashes and breaks but these ocean waves are white noise, almost muffled, like when you place a seashell to your ear. The Atlantic is background for meditation.

Lonely lifeguards sit atop their towers, scanning the water. A few brave souls bounce in the active surf. Are they intrepid or just stupid? I’m reminded that every year some tourist on the Pacific coast is swept off a rock by a rogue wave as they pose for what will be their very last selfie.

No one is posing in the Atlantic fog today. Most of the beach is deserted with just those few heads in the water, being supervised by young men.


By late morning, the fog would lift a bit.

The sand is wet, beach chairs are still piled up, unused. My hair, blown straight today, waves up quickly in the humid air and my California-dry skin feels like it’s walked into a facial.

Although families have departed their vacation week at Virginia Beach for sunnier shores, I like the solitary mood of this grey week.

Would you like to see the Atlantic fog as I saw it and hear the soothing sounds of the surf that week?  Kick up your volume.

26 comments on “Meditation on Atlantic fog
  1. I love the East Coast beaches…I grew up on the water about 90 miles from Va. Beach and we summered there. There is something absolutely transporting about being near the ocean. Next time you’re this way, let me know and maybe we can manage a quick visit together. Charlottesville is about 3 hours away.

  2. shari Eberts says:

    I am so glad you enjoyed your visit and could embrace the foggy weather. It certainly has its own beauty.

  3. Leanne says:

    Fog has a special feeling all of it’s own doesn’t it – it blankets you in a little world of your own and I think that can be really soothing – like that walk on the beach would have been!

  4. Haralee says:

    Fog can be cool or creepy or enchanting or depressing. Thanks for sharing the sounds and sights of it!

  5. Helene Cohen Bludman says:

    If you ever decide to visit one of the beaches in New Jersey, let me know! That is where I spend most of my summer weekends.

  6. I love fog- so mysterious. We had a thick fog settle on us the other night at dusk and I could just imagine the inspiration for so many novels that have been written here in NOLA. Nice.

  7. I have never appreciated the fog, but I guess when your use to nothing but sun its a nice change. It was good to see it through your eyes.

  8. Hi Carol! I agree that a foggy seaside experience can be wonderful but have a time limit on my ability to enjoy it. Two, maybe three days and my sun needs become demanding. Glad you enjoyed your time there though and thanks for sharing it with all of us! ~Kathy

  9. Lovely! I love summer and blue sky and sunshine but sometimes it’s nice to get a gray and quiet day, isn’t it?

  10. Barbara says:

    We have had the strangest summer I can remember here. Crazy thunderstorms almost every other day and way too many in the middle of the night which create crazy dogs! The temps have been mostly in the ’70’s which is fine with me, but now the humidity has arrived with July. We have to take the good with the less good and enjoy all of summer while we can.
    And, what Helene said…we would love to see you in Cape May, too!

  11. I love the moodiness of the Atlantic. Although I certainly can’t complain about our gorgeous Pacific, I don’t think it has nearly the character and personality of the Atlantic. This makes me miss the East Coast!

  12. Fog is good for your skin. Look at the English. Although, being from California also, we are spoiled.

  13. Andrea says:

    Beautiful imagery and wording – and nice for those of us who are gettin ready for the heat 🙂

  14. Bren Pace says:

    Hi Carol,

    I love Virginia Beach! For me, the peace of the fog would be just perfect for me. I don’t like all the crowds on the beaches, thus my beach time is spent in the winter. What better moment to have “me time” to sit, reflect, daydream, and whatever else comes to mind.

    Thanks for sharing this with us.


  15. Laurie Stone says:

    There’s something so hypnotic about the sound of the ocean. Thanks for including that video. Lovely post.

  16. I grew up going to the Jersey shore and continue to visit whenever I can. It’s at least a 1.5hour drive for us to the nicer beaches so we’re more daytrippers now but I love it so. I could live on the beach 365 days of the year! Glad you enjoyed your time.

  17. Peggy says:

    I live in NH, about 40 minutes from our 13 miles of Atlantic coastline. The Atlantic can be moody and fun and dangerous and brilliantly blue. Back in January, I was in Hull, across the roarlng ocean during a nor’easter. It was mesmerizing! The waves were amazing and the sound of the ocean even during low tide was nothing to mess with!

  18. Lizzi Lewis says:

    Gorgeous, gorgeous 🙂 Such evocative words. I wish I was at the beach now.

  19. I find that sound very relaxing.

  20. Cait says:

    Beach days like this can be so peaceful. I, too, kind of enjoy when the weather at the beach isn’t all sunshine. There’s something kind of calming about it. Despite the fog, I hope you had a good time.

    – Cait |

  21. I will be there in 3 days! I can’t wait. Gorgeous views. Thank you for sharing at #OverTheMoon! Pinned and tweeted.

  22. katrina gehman says:

    looks amazing. i was just in CA about a week ago and the beaches were beautiful.

  23. I enjoy rain sometimes, but it would make me sad if it happened at the beach. Glad you had a good week anyway!

  24. Nicole Escat says:

    I just so missed the morning breeze of the ocean. It’s been raining in our country and summer is over!

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