Autumn meditation

September 30, 2014

I am on vacation but posts will appear magically every day, by me or another cool blogger.

An autumn meditation

Little (and big) hints of fall remind us that the year is quickly drawing to an end, and yet, they are more a reminder of life than it is of death. Today, the talented Maureen Kwiat Meshenberg has given me permission to post one of her lovely poems –an autumn meditation that I particularly love.


 The Leaves have come out now

The leaves have come out now,
with their brilliant dance-
through dying celebration,
they rise with the wind,
to the open sky.
branches held high,
splendor touching sun-
the day has just begun,
path lays a carpet-
of colors for me,
path of my calling-
rejoices with the season,
even in dying beauty.
sweet harvest has come,
to my soul,
the deep moon will rise-
to cover the sky,
over dark blue night.
it will rest easy-
with the season of dying beauty,
through death life births its brilliance-
with radiant hues of living.

By: Maureen Kwiat Meshenberg ©
Sept 2012

Maureen has a book of poetry coming out in November. It’s called Seasons of the Soul:Shifts & Transitions of Life. When it becomes available, I’ll be sure to let you know.

17 comments on “Autumn meditation
  1. Lovely meditation. Thanks for sharing. I’m a fall baby and it’s my favorite season.

  2. Suzanne Gray says:

    Beautiful poem! I wish I had it to share during our fall labyrinth retreat last weekend.

    “through death life births its brilliance,” that’s just perfect.

  3. Laura Kennedy says:

    An autumn round, with a particularly lovely and haunting melody, which I used to sing with my kids:
    Autumn time, red leaves fall
    While the weeping sky, looks over
    All. Demeter sadly walks the land,
    The dying grasses in her hand.

    When Michael was very small, he couldn’t pronounce the letter “l” so his version went:

    Dead yeaves
    Dead yeaves
    Dead yeaves
    Dead yeaves.

    Which was almost unbearably cute.

  4. “Sweet harvest has come to my soul….” Ah, yes. This is lovely. The photo accompanying it is, too. Fall is my favorite season. The “carpet of colors” comforts my soul.

  5. Aren’t you SMART Carol having posts magically appear while on your vacation. And this is a lovely Autumn poem for sure. Have a great trip! ~Kathy

  6. Beautiful poem; thank you for sharing. I always think of Robert Frost’s “Nothing Gold Can Stay” –

    Nature’s first green is gold,
    Her hardest hue to hold.
    Her early leaf’s a flower;
    But only so an hour.
    Then leaf subsides to leaf.
    So Eden sank to grief,
    So dawn goes down to day.
    Nothing gold can stay.

  7. Ellen Dolgen says:

    Thank you for this beautiful meditation.

  8. This and the poem gave me a chance to BREATHE because I know what is coming up next – winter. And I am DREADING it. DREADING!

    The colors of the fall leaves are a palette that is a gift from G-d, and I am thankful for that.

  9. That’s lovely. I read it twice to let the imagery sink in.

  10. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful piece today!

  11. So beautiful — the poem and the photo. Fall is my favorite season, even though it’s hard to tell the difference here in Southern California!

  12. Tammy says:

    I’m not usually a fan of poetry but this is truly lovely.

  13. Kimba says:

    Looking forward to Maureen’s book!

  14. bodynsoil says:

    I love fall and the sound of the leaves crunching underfoot. All the beautiful colors of nature and soon it will be blanketed under pure white snow.

  15. Lovely! I LOVE Fall. It comes around Feb. here in New Orleans.

  16. Kim says:

    Lovely poem! (Just wish it felt more like autumn here – its’ 104!)

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