Autumn’s still trying hard to take root

October 20, 2012

They’re beautiful, aren’t they? The satisfying sweet crunch of an apple in the fall, nothing like it. And it seems like this year, autumn crept up on me. It was August hot one day and the next, fall was here. And then, a heat wave in late September. Whattt????? And then, rain that is way more typical of our winters than fall. And then, warmer weather again. In the second half of October. Followed by a 25 degree temperature drop. Can you say “climate change?”

On a walk with the dogs before the first heat wave, I found this sign of the season on the sidewalk.

Neighborhood trees were turning color a little at a time.

And yet, still warm enough that these beauties flowered in all their glory:

Our rose bushes weren’t as abundant this summer as they were last, but crazy little pops of different colored blooms appeared, like this burst of pink amid the yellow that came out last month.

Lovely, aren’t they? I miss these blooms. The gardeners cut our roses back last week, a sign of the season. But now, a heat wave again. Maybe more blooms are coming.

In our back yard

Nature’s beauty never fails to astonish me. These delicate petals make me swoon.

The rose on the right is just beginning to fade, reminding me of the old saying ‘the bloom is off the rose.’  I remember a friend from long ago, whose Mexican grandmother told her in Spanish that she should not wait so long to get a man, as the bloom was off her rose. Made us laugh. I  miss those old days and wonder whatever happened to her. Did she marry? Is she well? Thinking warm thoughts and sending her love and light.

I saw Christmas decorations for sale at Costco last month, September! but for now, since we’re still waiting for Halloween, I’m going to focus on these apples and autumn happenings. Despite the heat wave.

Christmas will be here before we know it. I hope we’ll be able to wear warm clothes.

One comment on “Autumn’s still trying hard to take root
  1. Nice photos and reflection on fall. I keep reliving summer stuff resisting the change taking place, but it’s so dry, I am looking forward to rain.

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