Awakening from the nightmare of youth

July 23, 2013


Happy birthday to ME! And trust me, I plan to have a really good one!

013_32093-6-500x500-1 I awakened from the nightmare of youth a long time ago, thank God. Age has brought with it the blessing of clarity about so many things and is still illuminating my life. We’re never too old to grow and learn.

One thing that’s been honed to a fine point over the years is my sense of humor. I highly recommend a belly laugh at least once  a day; more if you can manage it.  Which brings me to today’s laugh.

Sometimes, you run across something so vivid, so visual,  that the mental image makes you laugh so hard tears run down your cheeeks. This was such a something.

I’m not 65 yet, but the visual is still age-appropriate.  I hope it made you laugh as hard as I did.

Nothing would make me happier on my birthday than to give a few things away. So, help me celebrate and I’ll pick a winner at random.  Just answer these questions–one or both–in the comments section below:

If you were me, what would you do today? What would make a birthday perfect for you?

14 comments on “Awakening from the nightmare of youth
  1. I would skinny dip in the ocean, have a glass of champagne with my morning eggs, buy my own birthday cake and whatever else I spontaneously want to do! That is the beauty of getting older! Having the wisdom To do what makes you happy and not worrying about what anyone thinks!

    Happy birthday carol!

  2. Deb LeBleu says:

    Dearest Carol:
    Today I would give you what I would give to me.
    A day in a hammock on a tropical isle with gentle warm breezes and waves lapping gently.
    Stay long enough to enjoy the sunset and the beauty of a myriad of color that kisses the sky before the moon rises over the water.
    And to finish the day a hand to hold as you wish upon a star.
    We can give what we want to another in Love.
    Happiest Birth Anniversary Wishes Lovely Lady!

    • admin says:

      Deb, you win! Send me your email…. i am ccassara (at) aol

      • Deb LeBleu says:

        I know we’ve shared my surprise (^_^) that’s coming but I had given my email to follow you on your website. I’ll put your email in my contacts now.
        And you do know that it’s not just one day to celebrate you? You can drag this on for quite some time and possibly deserve it quite nicely!
        Merci ma soeur,

  3. Evalyn says:

    Happy Birthday,dear dear Carol!

    Xx Ev

  4. What would make my upcoming August birthday perfect – my two sons (aged 16 & 19) would write me notes saying I have done a good job. That would make me cry from joy.

  5. Susan Cooper says:

    You would spend the day doing whatever you want to do. You will get all the presents you have wished for and desired. Lastly, you will have time with all your loved ones. I do wish you the very best of days ever.

  6. Lore Raymond says:

    I would take your “two boys” out somewhere… outside…. on your patio…or waterside…for a moon picnic…and while munching and sipping, share an Alphabet Gratitude List: I am grateful for A____, I am. Then M.: I am grateful for B_____, I am……see what comes up. This is like writing a birthday card in the air and your spirits are sure to remember. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, again~

  7. Pat Rollie says:

    Sunshine, a great book, no electronic devices and an appetite that just wouldn’t quit! Actually I have a birthday coming up so I’m going to start working on this right away!

  8. David Jennings says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Carol!!!!

  9. beth says:

    Spend time with close friends and family
    Drink some good wine
    Eat some good seafoodand great dessert

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