Bad day?

January 8, 2018

bad-day I don’t deny that some days are so bad that they seem to darken our lives irrevocably.

But that’s usually not the case.

It saves a lot of anxiety and stress if we learn the difference between a bad day and a bad life.

I continue to be inspired by women I know with debilitating chronic illness, symptoms so bad they can’t leave their homes. And yet, they still find joy, they are still productive–even as they acknowledge the pain in their lives.

I don’t know how they manage. But when I think about them and their courage, their tolerance, and I do, often, they lift me up.

Visit A Healing Spirit for tools to help with chronic and other illness.

3 comments on “Bad day?
  1. I can’t say enough about how focusing on your breath can get you through a lot of things. Big and small, too.

    • Donna says:

      I totally agree! I have a breathing app on my watch and it reminds me to take a minute literally and breathe…it really does help

  2. CynOptix says:

    This is an encouraging post for me. 2018 holds the 42nd anniversary of my life with Lyme disease—a life measured by good days. Breathe.Gratitude.

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