Friends often ask what I love so much about northern California.
(And do get this right, it’s NORTHERN, because to us, the southern part of the state simply does not exist.)
The natural beauty is unsurpassed, in my opinion, and Yosemite is one of those natural wonders emblematic of the area.
My first visit was in 1985. We camped, something I don’t do now. Not even in tent cabins, which was how we camped then. No. I’m old. I like my luxury. It was enough that the walk to the community bathrooms was fraught with fear.
Yes. Fear of BEARS. And we all know how I feel about bears, don’t we. And because idiotic people feed Yosemite bears, there’s a problem with their coming down into the campgrounds.
Anyway, it was so beautiful that I cried when we left. Mountains, gorgeous, flower filled meadows. Waterfalls. The river. How is it possible one place could have so much natural beauty?
I’m looking forward to visiting the park with M. In several seasons.
We are loosely planning to do the Christmas-time Bracebridge Dinner in 2010. It’s an annual old Christmas feast complete with madrigal singers, and it’s supposed to be awesome. It’s also ungodly expensive, so it’s a once in a lifetime thing.
Demand used to be so high, tickets were only available via lottery. Now, they do a bunch of them every December, but I’ll bet they’ll be doing fewer. Winter in Yosemite is spectacular, though.
I remember taking my parents one winter. They were wowed. It might have been the first time my dad ever looked at a deer without a gun in his hand.
Yosemite. One of the most beautiful places in the world.
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