Here’s how to get busy living instead of getting busy dying
October 12, 2021
It doesn’t take a psychic to understand how hopeless people can feel as we close off our second year of a pandemic. I’ve had my own moments of feeling like I’m behind bars. After all, I’m in my “senior” years, and we had plans, so many plans. Trips. Traveling is our joy. Lots of trips in the works.
All cancelled, postponed until some future time that is looking more and more impossible.
So yes, I get it. It feels like we’re behind bars.
We’re not interested in risking ourselves or others, so we’ve dug in again this year. We don’t want Covid. Even if we live through it, we don’t want the long haul syndrome. Or to give it to others. We want to do the smart thing. So we’ve made significant adjustments in our lives. But we’re busy living and here’s how.
Patio get togethers
We have breakfast, lunch, cocktails or dinner with people who practice the same safe habits we do. On our patio, not indoors. And only in small groups: up to 3 other people.
Daily outdoor activities
Or twice daily. Walks, bike rides, hikes. With dog or without. See the sun. Breathe fresh air. No excuses now, we have that time.
Masking in the house
Anyone who has to come into our home must mask, from the team that cleans for us, to workers and even friends. Yes, friends. Vaccinated friends. Because vax does not mean you can’t transmit it.
Unlike when this all began, they are now very available and affordable. That’s all we wear. Cloth masks are pretty useless.
No mass gatherings
Not movies, sporting events concerts or anything else where people sit for long periods of time. Or yell. We stream content like crazy. I am an F1 fanatic and watch racing every weekend. M loves baseball and will watch football come fall.
Beach parties: just the two of us. Or three.
Not in crowds. Beach picnics are fun. Sea air and all that. Peaceful.
Controlled visits to museums
We’ll go to a rare controlled admission museum exhibit and stay distant from others. I am a pretty efficient museum-goer in situations like this.
Yes, I know, you’re sick of it. I am not, because I see Zoom as a blessing, a way to stay connected, especially with distant friends and family. I’ve had some really fun times with friends on Zoom. And it’s 100% safe!
This is the time to do those thing we never have time to do. Learn to crochet. Play piano. Paint. Lots of online opportunities that are affordable.
Vaccination. Now.
If you don’t get vaccinated because you don’t believe it’s safe or you don’t believe in vaccinations, you’re a selfish moron. There’s more than enough evidence that it’s safe, it works and it’s necessary. Get the facts and get vaccinated. Mask up.
That’s what it’s going to take for this to end. There IS such thing as the greater good and I’m tired of self-centered morons ruining life for the rest of us.
I know. You’re tired of being isolated.
You’re depressed. You’re sick of it all. So why not just throw caution to the wind?
Well, yeah. I think about that, too.
Then I think about being dead. And there’s no comparison.
We know that with our very conservative habits during Covid, we are in the minority. We wish we weren’t. Because if everyone had done this at the front end, the situation wouldn’t still be so bad. ICUs wouldn’t be overflowing. People wouldn’t be dying in the numbers they are. But we can all do it now. If we care enough.
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
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Brava, Carol. A list for the duration.