What are you making of your time behind the gates?

April 3, 2020
behind-the gate

A gate in my neighborhood.

The gates to our “normal” lives have been closed a while and will probably remain shut for a while longer. Maybe a longer while than we think. When I look around at our closed up homes, I wonder what we are doing with all that time behind the gates.

So many people are reporting their great productivity –organizing and sorting, home projects they’ve put off, and I’ve done a little of that, myself. But I don’t feel at all guilty at not being “productive” and you shouldn’t, either!

Days can go by without my doing anything big. Just thinking about life BC (before Corona) and the changes I want to make when we’re no longer behind the gates. That’s worthy work, too.

My parents were children of the depression and that experience forged their lives. For one, my mother had such a stockpile of food and toilet paper that she wouldn’t have had to shop for a year or more. Early on in this quarantine, my sister-in-love and I laughed as we remembered her basement supplies. And how we wished we had them now!

The Greatest Generation were survival-oriented. They weren’t raised knowing anything about the internal work some of us are doing now.

When we finally come out from behind the gates, none of us will be the same.  Significant changes are afoot for me, for certain.

If you’d like to share any of your thoughts about changes in your life when we’re sprung free from quarantine, I’d love to hear them.

Stay safe, healthy and anxiety-free.

Remember…. my free audios, mantras and affirmations to help manage anxiety. 100% free for all. Links next to title, just cut & paste.

Managing Anxiety Audio  bit.ly/2wKWfZA

Powerful Positive Health Mantras  bit.ly/2wyaCAI

Online Healing Affirmations bit.ly/2WO9TWt


9 comments on “What are you making of your time behind the gates?
  1. Walker says:

    Productivity is tough–particularly if I listen to too much news or stay on FB too long. Lots of anxiety along with the chaos that seems to be our government. I’m practicing self-care in a number of ways. bought myself flowers yesterday at the store. Lots of reading, jigsaw puzzle, chatting with friends and just staying put.

    • Yes, I have the same issue. I wish I could lose myself in productivity. I did get a message about that chaotic thing, the nation and my own upset at it and it’ll be in a post on Tuesday at A Healing Spirit. Might be helpful. Stay safe.

  2. Diane says:

    So much change. Remember the changes to air travel after 9-11? I can’t imagine what we will emerge with here.
    But I know we will emerge. Because that’s what humans do. They keep on moving. Trying. Succeeding.
    It’s just the NOW we have to get through!
    My parents too lived during the depression and always–always–had a large storage. Mine isn’t nearly what theirs was. I’m especially remembering Mom’s army of bottled peach preserves!
    It’s wonderful that we have people to talk to about our fears and doubts.
    And you are one of those, Carol! Thank you!

  3. betty says:

    Carol, your article made me realize why my mom had what seemed like a million cans of food stockpiled. Of course. She was a depression-era kid. I never put those two things together. Thank you.

  4. Donna says:

    The strangest thing has occurred from this really awful time for me. When I had my surgery I didn’t let it change me, I just wasn’t ready. This time I have had tools for the fear (although I use them every day I’m certainly not cured!) And I do see real progress. I am much calmer through this than the recession. I am grateful, truly grateful.

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