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Thanks for sharing that post with us. I remember when the senior sex thing was ALLLL over the place.
Thanks for sharing this with us. I too remember when we had the commercials about this all over television. I couldn’t even watch tv with the kids!
This is such an interesting read. Thanks for sharing it since I missed it the first time around! Makes sense…go seniors hahah!
The article is really interesting. Nice read.!
This is an interesting post. It is something that I have not really thought about.
Well I guess with those little blue pills, it is possible until older age! I’ll know soon!
This was such an interesting read! Thanks for sharing – we will all get there.
Is that why they call them the golden years? I love having things to look forward to.
This is interesting! Thanks so much for sharing!
I was clueless about the whole senior sex thing until I read your post. Interesting read. 🙂
This is quite a topic. It really is almost a taboo topic in today’s society.
Thanks for sharing and opening my awareness.
Well that certainly clears things up. Maybe those women really are having the best sex of their lives because they didn’t get enough when they were pre-menopausal. Actually, I’m not sure. Lol. I am just trying to understand what’s behind the whole “Best sex of our lives!” thing.
I enjoyed reading that post! It’s really going to help open your mind more about what really happens after menopause. I don’t think it’s going to be the time when I have the best sex of my life.
That is a brave post. It’s not easy to talk about awkward topics. IT needs to be done sometimes though!
I have to say, I’ve always been told horror stories about “the change.” I’m grateful to know more details.
I am at a loss for something to say. I am aware of the body changes that come with menopause. Sure, there will be sexual needs, but I always thought that it would be the companionship, not sex, that would matter most to couples when they are that age already.
I think the reason why they say it is the best sex of their lives is because there is no chance of an unplanned pregnancy. Personally, I just don’t get why it should be tagged that way.
For the life of me I cannot understand why they have to sensationalize just about everything these days. Good read
Very interesting read! Thanks for a post like this “Best Sex” that most people would dear not write about. Great post!