Best use of product at BlogHer ’11

August 6, 2011

Yes, of course you know what this is.

It’s obvious.

It is the Statue of Liberty.

Made entirely of Twizzlers.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I love me some Twizzlers. Especially at the movies. And red–the best.

But there have been times at this conference where I just want to sit down, light up a big fat spliff and contemplate the kind of minds that come up with this stuff.

My hat’s off to Twizzler for the best use of product at the conference.

But I’m sure that’s because I haven’t yet tracked down the Golden Gate Bridge made of Twizzlers. It’s here. I just have to find it.

7 comments on “Best use of product at BlogHer ’11
  1. GoodApple says:

    That is truly awesome. Do post image of GG Bridge if you see one. 😉

  2. GoodApple says:

    truly awesome. Do post a pic of the GG Bridge should you find it. 😉

  3. Iknow, can you imagine?? I’m lookin’ tomorrow!

  4. Ha! I had to stop and put down all my stuff today to take this very same picture. I’m in awe of food sculpture. I enjoyed meeting you today, Carol. don’t forget to check out the SITSGirls. You’ll be glad you did.

  5. Thanks for the tip and look forward to following your blog! God knows I need tips to control my own chaos–maybe you have some!

  6. Manxia says:

    GGB is in the lobby of the Marriot! 😀

  7. I found it this morning! Scroll up, have posted. Too funny! Have you found the Space Needle?

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