Best words to live by

March 29, 2016

1 Do no harm

Seriously. Is there any other way to live?

Oh sure, add in “do some kindness.” Or stuff like that.

But really, don’t hurt anyone and don’t take shi* of anyone?

It’s a good start.

13 comments on “Best words to live by
  1. Ruth Curran says:

    Have to add the glass over flowing spin to this Carol.
    …and leave it all better for you being there.

  2. Puneet Kumar says:

    It is easy to show kindness but it is very difficult to feel the one when one is needing.

  3. LOVE Kathy Bates. And I love her advice! And I love you for sharing it, it is perfect!

  4. The problem is figuring out how to not take any shit without lashing out and doing harm. Once you learn to walk that line, you’re on the right course.

  5. Jennifer says:

    It’d be such a better world if people did this!

  6. Hey Carol! Never, ever, ever, take anyone’s crap!!!! And yes, always do it in a kind way 🙂 ~Kathy

  7. Mary says:

    It’s the perfect way to live! The easiest way not to take crap? Just say NO, as politely as possible!

  8. Donna Parker says:

    Kindness in others troubles and courage in your own. 🙂
    Hope this day is treating you kindly. 🙂

  9. Stacy says:

    Cute and true

  10. Alana says:

    Exactly. Couldn’t say it better myself.

  11. Wise words, for sure. I’m a big kathy bates fan.

  12. The older I get, the less tolerant I am of Sh*T! 🙂

  13. Rosemond says:

    Amen! Kinda the Hippocratic oath for us non doctors!

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