blame brene brown

January 4, 2011

We make everything that’s uncertain, cvertain. Religion: faith and mystery no more–just i’m right, you are wrong, shut up. Same with politics, no discourse, no conversation, just blame.

Blame is a way to discharge pain and discomfort. We pretend what we do doesn’t affect people. That it doesn’t have huge impact on others–corporate and personal. Be authentic and real, say sorry, we’ll fix it.

to let ourselves be seen, vulnerably seen, to love with our whole hearts even tho no guarantee, hard. practice gratitude and joy in those moments of terror. dont catastrophize what’s happening, feel good to be alive
Believe that we’re enough. (est) When we work from that place we start screaming start listening, kinder, gentler to ourselves and those around us.

to love with our whole hearts even tho no guarantee, hard. practice gratitude and joy in those moments of terror. dont catastrophize what’s happening, feel good to be alive
Believe that we’re enough. (est) When we work from that place we start screaming start listening, kinder, gentler to ourselves and those around us.

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