Irish falconry and the Blarney stone

March 17, 2015

Dave-Bruce1I fell in love with Ireland, completely and utterly.  In my dreams I got a teaching job there at Trinity College and lived near downtown…all those pubs.  I heart Ireland.

So what better day than today to walk back almost five years to a couple of highlights of our visit to Ireland?

Oh, wait. You want to know who this is?  He’s Dave. The handsome falconer we went out with for a day of…falconry. He was straight out of a bosom-heaver, leather boots and all.  I don’t want you to miss out on the story of our afternoon with him on an Irish estate, and see a few more photos of his gorgeous self.  Oh, and some great photos of predatory birds.

Interested in the story? Here it is.


Kissin’ the Blarney stone

Then, of course, my husband decided to kiss the Blarney stone. Which required him to practically hang upside down over a large drop. Oh no, they don’t tell you that stuff.

Want to know the story? Here it is.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!



32 comments on “Irish falconry and the Blarney stone
  1. Funny, my husband and I were talking about Ireland yesterday. He has been but I have not and would love to go. I love all the green. Thanks for the story.

  2. That is really cool! I have heard of the blarney stone before – neat to see it and touch it!

  3. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says:

    I have an irrational fear of birds, so I think I would cry being that close to a bird LOL 🙂

  4. Ireland is first on the list when I finally get to travel abroad! Today is my husband’s birthday and he is as Irish as they come…except he can’t hold his liquor!

  5. I would love to visit Ireland! My ancestors hail from there and I’ve always felt some kind of connection to the land, culture, and spirit of the Irish. Your handsome falconer truly does look like he stepped out of a “bosom-heaver”. LOL

  6. Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Carol! I’m remembering my trip to Ireland today, too. Kind of a cool gift that I hadn’t expected — St. Patrick’s Day will always be more special because I went to Ireland once.

  7. I’ve traveled quite a bit but never been to Ireland. Looks like you both enjoyed every minute of it. Happy St. Patrick’s Day.

  8. Lisa says:

    I hope it was worth the risk 🙂

  9. Sophie Bowns says:

    This looks like an amazing experience.

  10. Sheryl says:

    I don’t know what I like more, the photo of Dave, or of your husband hanging upside down for a kiss!

  11. Ashley says:

    AHHHH!!! Were you nervous watching your hubby bend over backwards to kiss the wall?! So exciting 🙂

  12. I went to an Irish Catholic college so I felt very Irish for 4 years. Especially when we all “cut” school on St. Patty’s Day to, well, you can imagine.

    I always wanted to visit Ireland and recently reviewed a book, “Chef Interrupted”, about a man with MS who rented a place in Ireland for a year when he found out his MS would soon progress. An extraordinary place filled with lively characters and the most beautiful scenery. Awesome.

    Thanks for discussing the Blarney Stone. Great pic of your hubby! 🙂

  13. I would really love to go to Ireland but I don’t think I want to kiss the Blarney Stone, lol.

  14. Liz Mays says:

    Oh my, it would be so great to visit Ireland. I had heard of the Blarney Stone but I had never seen a picture!

  15. Harriet says:

    Those are some birds 🙂 I love how green everything is too

  16. Thanks for sharing these Irish-themed posts. How much fun. Now I want to go read a romance featuring falconers and castles. Tee hee.

  17. Donna Hanton says:

    Great stories, Carol! I’m not a fan of birds, but might make an exception with Dave involved! I have my own picture of kissing the Blarney Stone, and my husband, none of them are ever flattering! It is an experience, however. Loved visiting Ireland, would go back in a heartbeat.

  18. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you! Colorado Springs is home to the Air Force Academy, so the falcons (the team AND the birds) are a big deal around here. It’s always fascinating to see the falcons fly over the football games and the regular reports on the news about the regal birds.

    Perhaps I’ll one day get to Ireland. I hope so. I have quite a bit of Irish blood running through my veins.

  19. Jeanine says:

    Wow what an amazing experience that would be! I used to be do scared of birds but now have one of my own and appreciate them much more now!

  20. Arianna says:

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I heart Ireland too. I had a wonderful time there when I went on a tour in 2012. Kissing the Blarney Stone was an experience. New to your blog but will definitely be back. Great post!

  21. I was never really taken by “pets” with wings but those birds are fascinating

  22. Ruth Curran says:

    An almost photo of M! What a great way to celebrate today — a trip to Ireland! Take me to the pub for a pint!

  23. Andi says:

    I friend of mine kissed the Blarney Stone last year and I was so surprised to learn you have to hang upside down to do it! I keep thinking, how many people have kissed that stone and whose lips were there before mine!

  24. I’ve ALWAYS wanted to go to Ireland. One of these days I’ll make it there. I love the Blarney Stone pic. Too funny how different experiences are in real life compared to how you think they’ll be.

  25. Oh I would love to go to Ireland! It’s really on my bucket list of one of the top 5 places to visit! I hope you had a wonderful time. 🙂

  26. Britney says:

    So fun! It’s on my bucket list and hopefully over St. Patty’s!

  27. I would love to go! My best friend went and had a blast.

  28. Ireland is one of my favorite countries in the world! We kissed the Blarney Stone, too — so fun!

  29. Lana says:

    Loved these stories. Ireland is high up on my must see list. My aunt and uncle just returned from a trip and I’m anxiously awaiting hearing about their adventures. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  30. geanine says:

    Wow, that is awesome to have been able to touch the Blarney Stone!

  31. Wow!! Looks like you guys had a great time!

  32. Thanks for sharing. I am envious! Visiting Ireland is on my bucket list! Need to touch that Blarney Stone too!

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