Blending the family

July 28, 2009

I had to call the kennel and vet this week to let them know that I’ve expanded my pet family.

Six pets to treat and board: what a revenue bonanza!

We are boarding all six for two weeks while we’re in Italy this fall. And of course, some of M.’s babies are geriatric and require special vet care.

I love both my vet and Riley’s kennel.

As they “Wow!”-ed with amazement at how quickly my pet family has grown, I stopped to consider.

It’s kind of like marrying a Morman widower. You get all the kids, as well as the husband. A bonus, if you will. Or in this case, five bonuses.

Looking at Riley, moping around bored and depressed because I was leaving to teach the other night, I comforted him:

Don’t worry, Riley. In a month, you’ll have plenty of diversions: an entire zoo will be living with you, including cats you can chase, dogs you can boss around.

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