Blog changes are afoot

May 11, 2011
If you look at the right-hand column of this blog,
you’ll see something new.

I’m thrilled to report that my blog has been accepted by
the BlogHer Publishing Network,
an online community and publishing network for women’s blogs.
BlogHer is all about creating opportunity for women bloggers
and I’m honored to be part of it.

What that means is that BlogHer will help promote Middle-aged-diva
(which will lead to more readers, always a good thing for a writer).
It also means you’ll now see advertising on my blog.

As you may know, I’m working on a book.
This blog will be an important part
of the platform
that book publishers now want authors to have.

Writing and posting every day are labors of love
that provide personal satisfaction.
Belonging to BlogHer’s network means my blog will also
provide a little revenue
and I’ll get more exposure.

Oh, and don’t worry. My topics won’t change–
they’ll still be the same potpourri of subjects
generally about living your best life.

Thanks for reading!
I look forward to sharing other good news with you down the road.

4 comments on “Blog changes are afoot
  1. Rickatoo says:

    Mazel Tov!

  2. heather says:

    yay!!! congratulations!!! you are a woman on the move!!hugs!!!

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