The world keeps spinning, Boomers keep blogging about it

February 18, 2018

blogging-BoomersNo surprise here: Laura Lee Carter over at Adventures of the NEW Old Farts has been wondering how common cannabis use is among Boomers, and how that changes as we age. Here are some answers she came up with through Internet research.

Rebecca Olkowski of reinvented herself as a fortune teller for several charity events and realized she may have missed her calling. It was an unusual way to impart a positive and empowering message to people who needed it. (She lost a couple readers when they read the words “fortune telling” but that’s OK with Rebecca)

On Unfold And Begin, Jennifer addresses what could be a serious health issue for women after menopause. Many women think spotting after menopause is normal, but it’s not. Find out more about this issue in Jennifer’s post. What To Do When You Are Spotting After Menopause.

Lifelong learning is yours, if you want it. Tom Sightings in this week’s post explores some of the educational opportunities available to retirees. You’ve probably heard of OLLI; but there are other possibilities as well, so go to school over at The Educated Retiree

Like most Americans, Rita R. Robison, blogging at The Survive and Thrive Boomer guide, is heartbroken about the school shooting that killed 17 in Parkland, Florida.Yet another school shooting, and still congressional leaders won’t act. However, Robison sees something new happening. Lots of people are saying that lawmakers highly funded by the National Rifle Association should be replaced.

Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the head by a gunman, called for replacing members of Congress who won’t act to protect children in her comments on the Parkland tragedy. Angry young people in the Parkland area and others agree. Her recommendation? Check your members of congress, state legislators, and governor to see which ones are against gun control. Sign up to run against one of them. As Giffords said, “If Congress won’t act, American voters must.”  d winning elections.

Meryl Baer of Six Decades and Counting also could not get her head around writing about anything but the Parkland tragedy. In her article More Grief, Another Shameful Spectacle, and Still No Action she says individuals must step up and do whatever they can to institute sensible gun control laws since politicians refuse to do the job.

As for me, I’ve got some ways to bring more peace into our lives in these terrible times. We need this. So badly. So I thought it only fitting to close with these simple ideas for a more peaceful life in troubled times.

4 comments on “The world keeps spinning, Boomers keep blogging about it
  1. Nordette says:

    Thank you for posting this. I’d like to keep up with what my fellow boomers are talking about, but often I don’t have the time. 🙂 I’d also like to get back to blogging more myself.

  2. Rena says:

    This shooting has affected me so much this week. I am so damn heartbroken that Washington will just not listen to what the people are saying. I’m signing up with the Democratic party this week, but living here in the bible belt where every other house owns a gun and/or beats his wife I’m not sure what kind of results I’ll get, but I can’t sit by quietly any longer. I cannot wait to get out of the South completely!

  3. Vetted says:

    Carol Cassara,thanks a lot for the article post.Much thanks again. Fantastic.

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