You’re mad, as in bonkers

December 26, 2016

bonkersYou’re mad…bonkers…off your head….
but i’ll tell you a secret….
all the best people are.
    ~Alice (from Wonderland)

Bonkers is a good thing. I believe this with all my heart. (I just typed “head” so I believe it with my head, too!)

Some people judge us by how like them (and others) we are.

They want us to conform.  To be like everyone else.


7 comments on “You’re mad, as in bonkers
  1. Bren Pace says:

    True that, Carol!


  2. Haralee says:

    Truth! I have heard people make blanket statements about various groups trying to pigeonhole them in being unlike themselves thus different and make your own assumptions. Example, ” all Jewish men” said from a nonJew with no Jewish friends, or “People in Louisiana” said from someone who never set foot in the state.
    Who would want a homogenized world?

  3. A great affirmation, Carol. As I’ve gotten older, it’s gotten easier to own, even celebrate, my uniqueness. And while it’s great to find common ground with others, it doesn’t mean we have to totally be like them. Happy New Year.

  4. Susan COoper says:

    Yep, I hear you and I’m with you in this.

  5. The older I get, the less I want to conform.

  6. Beth says:

    Alice was a very bright girl. However, I watched a bonkers older women the other night sit alone in a lovely restaurant booth drinking, talking to herself and weeping aloud. There is the bonkers of wisdom and sense of self and then there is scary.

  7. shelley says:

    Absolute truth! I always wonder if people who are pushing for conformity are nervous or threatened by people who are different. Guess I’ll keep wondering.

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