Good Boomer reading

November 6, 2016



Are you tired of election coverage? Me, too.  So glad you’re here— a great group of bloggers and a great group of blog posts today–enjoy some good Boomer reading:

Did you know one president ran against a corpse?

The media continue 24/7 coverage of the Presidential election as the endless campaign finally winds down. Meryl Baer of Six Decades and Counting imparts some of her own humor into the levity with her post Pre-Election Day Trivia, none of which have anything to do with the current election. Which may make you happy.

If you get a gift card….

On The  Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide, Rita R. Robison, consumer journalist, writes about the importance of keeping track of your gift cards and making sure they get spent. With the holidays coming, Robison also offers tips on how to buy gift cards. More than $100 billion is spent on gift cards annually, with 93 percent of U.S. consumers purchasing or receiving a gift card each year. Consumers spend an average of $213 annually on gift cards, so find good info HERE.

Life can hold surprises

Do you have any life-changing unpredictables in your past? You know those things that happened to you and somehow changed everything! Laura Lee, over at The Adventures of the NEW Old Farts has found lots of them over the decades of her life and you can read about them right HERE.

Peace and inspiration for this stressful week

Even at our age, destiny can come calling: hard, insistent knocks. Yes, even now. And that’s what I’m talking about right here. And I’ve got a beautiful way to start and end each day– maybe even life-changing. Right here.

Avoiding election overload gives different perspective

Tom Sightings of Sightings Over Sixty has been on vacation at the beach, where he has studiously avoided the political news. Yet, being away from it all, he perhaps has a unique perspective on the presidential campaign. Cast your vote on the matter over at Election? What Election?




10 comments on “Good Boomer reading
  1. Thanks Carol! Looking good!

  2. Puneet Kumar says:

    Informative and interesting

  3. Julie says:

    Thanks for the great list!

  4. Gift cards are our favorite! We tuck them away and use them strategically throughout the year.

  5. WE do that too with gift cards we hide them then find them through out the year and get so excited about it!

  6. Wren says:

    Thank you for the gift card information. I have so many laying around that I have no idea what is still on them if anything I need to use them all up soon.

  7. I’m glad the election is over honestly. Of course there’s still much to be discussed. It’s been pretty exhausting.

  8. Ellie says:

    Such lovely words and ideas! Thanks for sharing

  9. Glad your elections are done, now to see if your choice pans out well! Interesting article!

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