Trippy Sunday reading by Baby Boomers

December 11, 2016


Today’s hackers are attacking a variety of products – such as internet-connected cameras and refrigerators –YES! REFRIGERATORS! — and using them to create havoc on the Internet. Or, as it’s called now, the Internet of Things (IoT). Read consumer journalist Rita R. Robison’s piece on The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide for helpful tips such as changing the manufacturer’s standard default password for connected products such as cars, toasters, and home security systems that connect to the Internet. There’s also a helpful video with her article that explains more about IoT security.

Meryl Baer of Six Decades and Counting embarked on a trip to the Emerald Isle this week. The first day finds her tired, hungry, disheveled, cranky, but looking forward to the rest of her adventure. Read about her long first day in Tour Package Woes or Ireland Day One.

If you’ve considered writing a book you’ll have to sell your own products, and that’s not always easy for authors. At The Adventures of the New Old Farts, Laura Lee considers the pros and cons of being an author. Including the need to sell her work.

Still got shopping to do? You can find the definitive holiday shopping guide with something for everyone–literally–over here at HeartMindSoul, courtesy of me!

Tom Sightings went to see a play over the weekend, Love, Love, Love, which opens with a couple of baby boomers in the summer of 1967 and follows them through marriage, kids, divorce, and a searing confrontation with their grownup daughter in 2010. The fact is, most of our children have found it difficult to manage in today’s economy, and as a study from Stanford University shows, many have not been able to match their parents’ standard of living. Is that our fault? Is it the economy? Or do we blame the kids themselves? Join the discussion at Love, Love, Love  and see if your experience matches what other people think.




3 comments on “Trippy Sunday reading by Baby Boomers
  1. Thanks for getting the word out Carol!

  2. Diane says:

    Man, I need that Survive and Thrive guide.
    I just seem to be getting more and more lost in today’s world.Sigh.

  3. Sarah says:

    I adore your blog Carol. I recently started on to focus on providing great info and advice for Boomers. Please come visit us on

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