Boost your blog traffic NOW

January 31, 2017

boost-blog-trafficAre you using social media to drive traffic to your blog and not getting the results you hoped for? Do you read everything you can find about increasing blog traffic via social media and still aren’t sure what’s working and what isn’t?

You’re not alone. So many bloggers scatter their energies all over the social media world, hoping that something will stick.

Well, scatter no more. My friend Elena has a nifty checklist and a few simple steps to help you organize your social media efforts and understand what’s paying off and what isn’t.  And aren’t I lucky: she offered to let me repost this while I’m away at school this week.  Elena, thanks so much for allowing me to gift my blogger readers with your excellent advice and checklist.

Bloggers…here’s Elena Peters with her Ultimate Social Media Sharing Checklist and advice to boost blog traffic:


Do you have days when you see a substantial increase in traffic from a specific social media platform and you have no idea why? You think it may be because you started a new strategy but you aren’t entirely sure. You are not sure because you switch strategies often based on some blog post you read somewhere and you never give any one plan more than a few days to work.

If this is you, how can you possibly know what works for you and what doesn’t?

Or are you like I was, spending a majority of the day flitting from one platform to another, sharing and contributing, reading and commenting, and basically going with the flow with no real direction or purpose. You end up wasting a huge part of the day just socializing and getting no real work done. And worse, your traffic becomes intricately linked to the amount of interaction you do in sharing threads….and READ MORE HERE.

33 comments on “Boost your blog traffic NOW
  1. Elena Peters says:

    Thank you for sharing my checklist post Carol. I am sure your readers will like the time it saves them!

  2. shari Eberts says:

    Very interesting. Thanks for sharing these great tips. The discipline to keep it up is probably the most challenging part.

  3. I’m using this checklist and LOVE it!

  4. Thanks for this advice. I took Elena Peters’ ecourse on using BoardBooster and found it to be very helpful. I plan to take a look at the social media checklist. Thanks!

  5. Anna Palmer says:

    Look at you two! I am pinning this. And tweeting this. But planfully of coure.

  6. Diane says:

    Exactly what I needed today!

  7. Adriana Gil says:

    What a great post! This is very interesting, indeed! There are days that I have some traffic, but I wish I had a lot more, haha 🙂

  8. Thank you so much for the checklist,a huge help!! Going to be using it for sure!

  9. Amber Myers says:

    Thank you for this! I’m always looking to grow my blog so this is so helpful!

  10. Thanks, gals!!! I recently hired an assistant and I’m making her do this!! hahaha. Yes, I hate this stuff, but I know how important it is, so at least for 30 days someone will be watching!

  11. Thank you Carol, and thank you Elena!!!

  12. emma white says:

    what a great post and yes I guess we share everywhere then loose track of where or what I tend to stick to 2/3 and no more

  13. Beth says:

    I’ve been using Elena Peters checklist for the last two weeks and 1) my stats have jumped significantly 2) I feel a sense of sanity about my work. I’m not flitting from social media platform to social media platform, I have a plan and I’m following it. Mork work done with real sense of accomplishment.

  14. Shirley says:

    Very interesting. Thanks for sharing these great tips. Very helpful post.

  15. CynOptix says:

    Good one! Thanks Carol for directing me to Elena’s site and thank you Elena for putting the tips together on a beautifully laid out page. Just the advise I want and need in equal measure as recent arrival to the blogosphere. Signed up and ready to learn. ♥

  16. Hra says:

    What a useful post!! Thank for the tips, its so useful for us 🙂

  17. Elizabeth O. says:

    Traffic is really important, especially if you’re earning from your blog or if you’re planning to! This post is quite helpful! A lot of bloggers can benefit from it, thanks for sharing your friend’s link!

  18. This was a great post to share! I clicked over and ended up reading a few other posts as well!

  19. Bookmarking for future reference! Thank you for the tips!

  20. KATJA says:

    Great tips. Planning is everything when it comes to sharing your content.
    Katja xxx

  21. Robin Rue says:

    This is a really interesting post. I have always tried different strategies in boosting my posts on social medias.

  22. Wren says:

    This is great to know! I am constantly trying out new ways to bring people reading! 🙂

  23. Stacey says:

    How simple is this. And why didn’t I think to do it long ago.

  24. Thank you for sharing! When I started out I didn’t realize there was a technique to it! Now I find there’s soooo much.

  25. Crystal Gard says:

    Something we can always work on dong. These are great ways to boost traffic. Going to bookmark this for future reference.

  26. Elizabeth says:

    I find traffic fluctuates depending on what content I’ve published and just pure luck. Who knows what folk want other than nude photos and pictures of cats… 😉

  27. Ave says:

    I would love to boost my blog traffic! Just printed out the checklist and will start using it asap! Can’t wait to see the results!

  28. Asia says:

    Just what some of us newbies need, great resource!
    Your site is lovely btw, keep up the good work!

  29. Great idea for boosting blog traffic and not wasting your own time. I like the idea of a check list so you are consistent and can measure your progress.

  30. Awesome share, Scheduling, planning, and doing planned actions can be a major time saver. S thanks for helping others do that 🙂

  31. Maria Han says:

    Absolutely a helpful post, I always finding a way how to grow my blog. Glad that you share this with us

  32. Anosa says:

    Indeed its not easy to build up a blog with so many readers. Thanks for the checklist!

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