Borrowed off a friend’s FB page

July 20, 2010

Says everything, doesn’t it?
2 comments on “Borrowed off a friend’s FB page
  1. Anonymous says:

    Yeah I have been having a hell of a time reminding PEOPLE…each and everyone of US who uses GAS that WE are responsible for the BP disaster. Had we gone to electric cars in the 1960’s this most likely would not have happened. Here is the question to accompany the photo…What have YOU done since the BP disaster? How have YOU changed your OIL/GAS addiction?

  2. Well, our consumption’s certainly a big part of the equation. Our thirst for bigger and bigger gas guzzlers…most of the folks I know with SUVs don’t have kids or big pets or things to move constantly. We want what we want and now….we got something we don’t want and it’s too late, at least for this mess.

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