Breaking the news

May 21, 2009

When FLH and I were young marrieds living in Tallahassee, we spent quite a bit of time with another couple. He was in law school with FLH; she went to grad school when I did.

Our favorite weekend past-time was to play the board game, Boggle, drink copious amounts of Gallo Hearty Burgundy, and smoke weed.

Oh, I just loved the early 70s!

Our original “reveal” plan was to show up at their door with a Boggle game and bottle of Gallo. But our schedules don’t permit a Tallahassee trip any time soon.

So today, I sent them an email, with our ‘save the date’ proof for our celebration in January. In the body of the email, I told them I was getting married and inviting them to a party in January. They had to open the attachment to see who it was.


Here was the response, which is typical of everyone we knew from our first time around. They all say the same thing.

My jaw just dropped to the floor!!!! You have to fill me in on this!!! How wonderful!

The reveals are totally fun. Totally! But I think we’ve now done them all.

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