
February 23, 2009

I am just nuts for Gerbera daisies. They’re such a vibrant, upbeat and happy flower. And the color range is awesome.

I know roses mean love but to me, it’s Gerbera daisies. Any color. All colors. A rainbow of love.

A dear friend introduced me today to the Yiddish/Hebrew term b’sheret. It means “meant-to-be.” Soulmate. I love that.

Recognizing your b’sheret is a life-changing experience. It’s possible to find your meant-to-be, but not know it, at least consciously, at the time.

But when you do recognize him or her, it’s a WHAM! kind of feeling, so you pay attention….followed by a big CLICK, signifying that the universe has just fallen into place.

WHAM! CLICK! Music to anyone’s ears.

One comment on “B’sheret
  1. Carol Gliksman says:

    I was just thinking about flowers the other day and agree 100% its Gerbera daisies for the same reason!

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