Burned bridges and hope

March 30, 2013
Well, I gotta tell you:
I’m not big on burning bridges.
It cuts off our options.
And life’s all about options.

I get what this means, though:
sometimes we have to step away from something,
turn our backs on it
and walk in the other direction.

The act of leaving behind something that’s unhealthy
in  mind, body or spirit
can illuminate a new path.

But as far as people are concerned,
I don’t believe in eradicating the path back.
By all means, move on.
Step away from them for a while.

But don’t send the path up in flames.

There is always hope
and sometimes a road back,
even when it’s hard to see.

9 comments on “Burned bridges and hope
  1. Joyce Lansky says:

    Interesting thought. I’ll try not to burn any bridges today.


  2. 2daystheday says:

    Hear, hear, Carol! Very wisely written. You never know when you might need to cross back over that bridge! Happy Easter!

  3. I hear you, Carol! Never wise to burn that bridge…we might want to cross back over it someday!

  4. I hear you, Carol. Never wise to burn a bridge you might want to cross back over someday! Happy Easter!

  5. Linda Schulman says:

    I hear you loud and clear, Carol. Never wise to burn a bridge you might want to cross back over someday!

  6. I have a burned a few bridges recently. Did it to protect myself. But I do wonder if I should have! Sometimes I think I could have taken a different approach!

  7. Cathy says:

    This is a tough one. Family issues are always difficult. I’m strangers with my brothers who are supposed to be my best friends. I can’t burn those bridges and have to leave it open because….they are my brothers. Hurt, disappointment, appall. Those words describe my thoughts of them. Burning bridges? We shall see. Good post.

  8. Cathy, I feel your pain. My siblings are estranged from me for unknown reasons. I feel all the things you do, and also compassion for them, because it’s like they drank poison and expected ME to die. Very sad. And yet, my door has to remain open, even though the odds are very low that they’ll come through it. I feel for you

  9. I’ve burned some bridges. And I haven’t (yet) regretted doing so. Self-protection.

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