California: cold weather & a geography lesson

February 26, 2011
We’re heading north this morning for an overnight road trip and it’s going to be cold!
Snow, even, at pretty low elevations.
Although nowhere near the amounts we’re used to from our childhoods in Rochester, NY.

This week we talked to a Floridian, who said
it’s been so cold he wishes
he lived near us, where the weather is always
70 degrees and pleasant.



This is NORTHERN California, not Southern California.


It gets COLD.

Remember Mark Twain’s observation?
The coldest winter I ever saw was summer in San Francisco.

Oh, but we don’t live in San Francisco.
We live in the San Francisco Bay Area,
which (depending on who’s defining it)
is a three-, seven- or nine-county area
that surrounds the city by the bay.

Our city, SAN JOSE, is the largest in the Bay Area
with a population of almost a million.
Some 7.5 million people live in the nine-county Bay Area.
Dionne Warwick wrote a song about our city.

Does that clear it up?

Oh, and baby, it’s COLD outside!

Catch you from the wine country.

One comment on “California: cold weather & a geography lesson
  1. I would much rather live up North than down here in So Ca . . . in a year or so we’re making a move to Washington State. Real weather, I can’t wait! I grew up in Alaska, I think WA will be a nice middle ground for us 🙂

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