Camels in the Sahara

May 12, 2012

What comes to mind when you hear the words “Sahara” or “desert?” (Yeah, we’re back in Morocco. Never left, really.)

Camels. Everywhere, including cute babies.
I fell in love with them. I mean, who could resist a napping camel?
And they smile, too. So sweet.
There they are, waiting for us to take a ride.
Calmer than I expected.
Ok, so the camel tender has posed for pictures a time or two.
It’s the camel that’s really cute here.
An iconic Sahara sight.
Come on, they’re cute, aren’t they? Our guide said
they have very long memories. That if you do something to
a camel, they’ll remember it years later.
And get their revenge.
I was very nice to my camel.
I didn’t get my Florence of Arabia merit badge,
but I made progress toward it.

Night fell and soon, our camels got up and rode off, disappearing over the dunes.

Were they ever really here?

2 comments on “Camels in the Sahara
  1. Babs-beetle says:

    That looks like a wonderful experience 🙂

  2. Oh, it was fantastic! I blogged about Morocco for weeks. Glad to meet you! Come visit my blog any time!

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