Camels, tents & the Pushkar Camel Fair

February 22, 2013

Billed as India’s largest tribal gathering, the Pushkar Camel Fair is held in November during the Kartik Purnima full moon.  It’s been called “a spectacle on an epic scale” for its color, tradition and carnival atmosphere. Herders and traders set up camp in the dunes with their camels and cattle, ready to wheel and deal.  If the monsoons have been good, prices will be high.

We’ll be there this fall, two of 300,000 people who will be dodging 20,000 camels,  cattle and horses on what we hope will be a once-in-a-lifetime trip. We’ll camp among tented bazaars featuring vendors, musicians and all sorts of foodstuffs….well, ok. “Camp” is  a relative term.

Apparently, this is a tent. My kind of tent.

Apparently, our tents will have marble bathrooms. My kind of camping.

This looks absolutely amazing, and light years away from our normal lives. And that’s what good travel does, right? It takes us to places we’ve never seen and gives us experiences we’ve never had.

Sometimes I can’t help but think that as I go about my life in northern California there are millions and millions of people going about very different lives all over the globe.

And while I’m not thrilled about the regime of inoculations needed to prepare us for this trip, I’m really excited for November to get here and to step off the airplane into the heat and colors of exotic India.

Have you been? Any advice?

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  1. The color and spectacle of Pushkar Camel Fair says:

    […] probably wondering what the Pushkar Camel Fair is, right? I blogged about it in February, HERE, in anticipation of our visit.  I’m going to let images and video give you the color and […]

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