How dangerous is Chat GPT?

February 5, 2025
Continuing where I left off with yesterday's post, in which I had asked Chat GPT to write a blog post for me: Imagine a world where all writing and the "thinking"...

The terrifying power of Chat GPT

February 4, 2025
A few years ago a friend suggested I let AI write my blog. A non-writer friend. Who obviously had no idea that writing for writers is a means of self expression,...

How to use fashion, food, fiesta and family as coping mech...

February 2, 2025
I'm back east, in snowy western New York state. Haven't seen a cardinal yet, but sure would like to....they represent hope during turmoil. But never fear: Our...

Why the intense yearning for the old days as we age?

January 28, 2025
What is it about this age the brings up a kind of nostalgic sorrow, that deep, intense yearning for the old days? That kind of homesickness that goes beyond...

How you can help victims of the southern California fires

January 11, 2025
The devastation wrought by this winter's California fires is horrific. The community and organizations across the globe immediately reached out to help, but they...

How to do the scary thing: like move to the South of France

January 6, 2025
No, not me. Not that I'm unfamiliar with do the scary thing. So many of us wish we could live abroad. Especially these days. So sharing a great blog post from my...

Pouring old wine into new bottles

December 22, 2024
I ran across this phrase once and I liked it. Maybe I feel like an old wine that's always being decanted into some new bottle. Because one thing's certain: change is...

Should lonely seniors get a dog?

December 10, 2024
It's only natural for seniors who find themselves living alone to long for a companion animal. And of course, lonely seniors can make wonderful pet owners.  But...

Liminal space and aging

December 2, 2024
Liminal space: the uncertain transition between where you've been and where you're going physically, emotionally, or metaphorically. We're on the threshold of our...

Surprising benefits from life’s drama and mistakes

November 26, 2024
The other day I read a long social media post by someone justifying their third marriage--in great detail. They listed all the reasons and of course, the list made...

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Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.


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