Preparing for Tomorrow

February 1, 2009
Tomorrow is Groundhog's Day.Punxatawney Phil is preparing for the onslaught of media.Can't say as I blame him. I've often wanted to prepare this way for media...

Life Instructions

February 1, 2009

Sculpting life.

February 1, 2009
It's a Rubik's Cube for a lazy person. Pretty funny, no?I was going to say it's a lazy day, and it is, but i haven't been that lazy. I've put most of my stuff together...

Vision mapping

January 31, 2009
I knew Tampa had hit rock bottom this morning when I saw our local cable channel interview Paris Hilton at Jackson's last night. She, and tons of other celebs, are here...

Ok well, she’s kind of a nut but…

January 30, 2009
SUZANNE SOMERS revealed to Oprah's audience on Thursday that her daily routine of vaginal hormone injections and pill popping has helped her beat the “Seven Dwarfs of...

Tangible. Again.

January 30, 2009
During yesterday's photo shoot for our website, my partner and I asked our photographer, George, to take some fun shots of us talking, laughing and kibitzing. When I saw...

Sisters of Revolution

January 30, 2009
It's a happy Friday. I don't even need "calming pills." Even though the Super Bowl crowds are here, traffic is a mess and town is crowded. I am going to ignore it...

A perfect, ripe pear.

January 30, 2009
While visiting family in Sicily about 17 years ago, I had the most perfect pear. Ripe. Sweet. Juicy. Not too soft, not too firm. Sicilian pears must be bred for taste,...

We get by with a little help from our friends.

January 30, 2009
We get high with a little help from our friends.(and I mean that in the purest of ways!) ;-)However, it does bring to mind my friend who grows marijuana in California,...

Live the questions…to get to the answer…

January 30, 2009

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