How to use fashion, food, fiesta and family as coping mech...

February 2, 2025
I'm back east, in snowy western New York state. Haven't seen a cardinal yet, but sure would like to....they represent hope during turmoil. But never fear: Our...

Historical fashion made my day

May 26, 2024
Last week I visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art and I couldn't resist this exhibition.  I love historical fashion.  Or any fashion at all. This particular...

A century of shoes

April 10, 2024
Here's more from the Fashioning San Francisco: a Century of Style, the retrospective of San Francisco fashion that opened at the deYoung Museum in February. These...

Over a century of San Francisco fashion

February 20, 2024
Socialites fascinate me, mostly because my life couldn't be more different than theirs. And of course, I love fashion. Especially historical fashion. Combine the...

Caution: opinion sanitizing station ahead!

September 23, 2021
I'm shaking my head this morning as I read dozens of comments on a social media post I made of Jennifer Lopez wearing a wrinkly maxi dress (not the one in the image,...

To go grey or not? That’s the question

May 12, 2020
Every five weeks I'd sit in my colorist's chair and ask "how much grey do I have now? Is it pure grey, silver or salt and pepper? Is it time to go gray?" With only a...

Why you should consider downsizing

June 14, 2019
Downsizing has been on my mind a lot lately and that's probably because I'm past midlife and have accumulated way too much stuff. Wayyy too much stuff.  So when...

Why fat isn’t as complicated as we make it

February 11, 2019
Fat has always been a significant topic in my family of origin. Even when fat wasn't, well, "fat" I was probably 13 or 14 when a cousin on my father's side asked me to...

Is Mrs. Maisel really so marvelous?

January 25, 2019
After hearing so much buzz about The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, we logged into Amazon Prime and proceeded to binge on both seasons. Visually, it's a feast of color and...

Let the exotic beauty of these modest fashions inspire you

October 16, 2018
The de Young Museum in San Francisco's exhibition of Muslim fashion was one of their best, in my opinion. As an American woman, I don't know much about modest fashion or...

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