End-of-life: an unavoidable topic

March 27, 2024
Let's face it: no one likes to consider their death.  Few things are as sensitive (and downright scary) to some as discussions with loved ones about end-of-life...

Is transactional giving truly giving?

March 13, 2024
In the shower the other morning I wondered what exactly it means to be a giver. Sure, lots of people give. And a big proportion of that number identify as givers. But...

Still good advice, even after 100 years

March 5, 2024
Back when I was maybe a teen, the Desiderata regained popularity. Although it was written in 1927 by Max Ehrmann, its pithy wisdom and good advice fit the vibe of the...

In this world but untethered to it

February 23, 2024
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience."  (said by French philosopher and Jesuit priest Pierre...

Time we have wasted on the way

February 23, 2024
Oh, when you were youngDid you question all the answers?Did you envy all the dancers who had all the nerve? ~Graham Nash The other day one of my high school...

Two things at once & I don’t mean shots

February 9, 2024
Most of us have seen Travis Kelce of my beloved Kansas City Chiefs in his "two-things-at-once" ad. I was reminded of it the other day when I posted a query about the...

Big Sur: my own Blue Heaven

February 2, 2024
It's funny how inspiration appears out of nowhere. I once wrote a narrative poem called Blue Heaven while sitting at Nepenthe restaurant in Big Sur. Big Sur has...

Is reciprocity necessary in relationships?

January 23, 2024
Reciprocity in relationships first came up for me many decades ago. It was then that I realized how every relationship requires balance of some kind. Not all the...

What would you say to your younger self?

January 16, 2024
What if you could talk to your younger self? What would you tell her? I was thinking about that, myself, this morning, and here's what I came up with: Life is an...

Blessing same sex marriages IS a big deal

January 12, 2024
The Pope has decreed that Roman Catholic clergy may bless same-sex unions ... but maintains that as far as the Roman Catholic church is concerned, marriage is between a...

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