It’s got to be a wakeup call

July 10, 2020
It's always so bizarre and really, a wake-up call, to talk about Trump with people who get their view of our world through Fox. Or, as those who understand what news...

Want a totally fun read & romp through an exotic cultu

February 11, 2020
When a story engages me from the first page, when I can't wait to see what happens next and when I'm sorry to see it end? That's a book I want to tell you...

Have you figured out the best diet for peace of mind?

February 3, 2020
Every morning I turn the TV on to a cable news channel to make sure the world hasn't ended. And then, I turn on the weather. Or my DVR. Or music. Or I read. Because, and...

5 reasons you should take a cruise for your next vacation

January 27, 2020
I wasn't always a cruiser. Oh, I went to Alaska in 2002 with a girlfriend on a big cruise ship with a couple thousand passengers. I didn't dislike it but I didn't fall...

How to make & use an effective vision board

January 20, 2020
Oh, I know, vision boards may seem kind of, well, ethereal. Are they worth making? Do they really work? And how the heck do I create one? First, I'll confess that I've...

When did we lose our sense of humor?

January 6, 2020
When did we become so grey and humorless-- --when did we become people who carry the weight of the world on our shoulders --all of it--taking ourselves and everything...

How the left is turning on itself

October 17, 2019
It's clear that the left is turning on itself. Eating its young, so to speak. And eating its old, too. Consuming everyone on its own side. That splintering of what...

How did we become a Lord of the Flies society?

October 10, 2019
I know someone who believed the world was just like the island society depicted in the 1954 novel, Lord of the Flies. In that novel, boys turned on each other with...

Is Facebook dangerous?

September 26, 2019
Living as I do fairly near Facebook I've watched the company grow and develop. Can't say Mark Z comes out looking good around here. He's not considered the visionary...

Why Twisted Family Values should be your next fun read

September 3, 2019
The author had me at the title. I thought my family was twisted. But this one? Made mine look normal! With privilege comes amazingly twisted flaws, and also the strange...

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