Tried and true writing advice from a seasoned pro

November 11, 2024
I couldn't be more delighted at the success of my friend, Estelle Erasmus' book, Writing that Gets Noticed. If you're a writer, want to be a writer or ever wanted to...

Who doesn’t love a thoughtful response?

November 28, 2023
There's nothing a writer likes more than when a reader gives thoughtful consideration to something they read and then response. Such was the case when Facebook friend...

If you’ve got a website, here’s advice that wil...

July 25, 2023
If you've got a website or blog that someone else manages for you and you do not know all of your sign-ins and passwords, you could be headed for big problems. If...

Old words I love and wish we used more today

October 12, 2022
I just love some of the old words, the expressions of the past that are long gone. I've got a few below and then would love to hear yours! Malarkey. I love that word!...

If you think you’ve got this, you probably do!

September 28, 2022
Here's what studies show about how we can help ourselves heal: or You've Got This! Sick people who have a positive attitude report less pain and can have better...

How to survive–and thrive–when life hands you o...

March 5, 2022
If you've reached any adult age at all, you've either seen or experienced how life can turn in the blink of an eye. One moment, and everything has changed. How to...

Whose music are you dancing to?

July 6, 2021
  This is, in fact, the life experience of many creative souls, from Van Gogh and Hemingway to writers I know and yes, even me. Even me. Not everyone...

Why you’re never too old

June 15, 2021
I'll be 70 this summer.  70! I can't wrap my head around it. Still, it doesn't seem as old as I expected, because it's never occurred to me to approach life with...

Don’t you dare write about me!

May 24, 2021
When someone sits down to dinner with you and the first they they say is "I don't want you to write about this" you know it'll be an interesting evening. "It's what I...

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Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.


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