Change in plans

November 22, 2009

In an abundance of caution, we’ve postponed our holiday trip to Colorado.

For the past week, one of my ears has been acting up. First, a seashell sound. Then, blocked, like I had a cold. The hearing impairment has cycled on and off, mostly on, since a week ago Saturday.

I saw the ENT on Friday and am scheduled for tests on Monday.

I seem to remember an ear doctor six or seven years ago telling me I had a Eustacian tube that might need surgery one day. But you know me: “Yeah, he’s a surgeon that’s what he’s supposed to say.”

So if you’re on your knees with hands clasped, a prayer would be appreciated. Thank you.

One comment on “Change in plans
  1. Diana Strinati Baur says:

    hope that it’s just a cold in your ear! Better to stay home during the holidays anyway, I think, with all that you have going on in the first part of the new year. Enjoy snuggling around in your jammies!

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