Charleston vacation: arrival

December 19, 2009

It rained the entire nine hours it took us to get here. Driving rain. In both senses.

We got here just in time. The Charleston peninsula is now isolated. They closed down the causeway due to flooding; no one can get in or out.

We are happily reading, ensconced next to the fireplace in a four-poster, canopied bed. Tired. But still laughing.
The staff here are in sleeping bags because they can’t get home.
It’s supposed to clear though. But high tide’s at 9pm and that’s why they closed it down.
2 comments on “Charleston vacation: arrival
  1. Sasha says:

    I looked for a place to leave a general comment but i couldn’t find one, so i’ll leave it here. I found your blog thru Gratitude Fridays which i found randomly but read most weeks, I just love your bio/story and your point of view. I have read a lot of your posts and just love them all. In case you are wondering who is reading you: I am a woman, 43 and live in Silicon Valley.

  2. Hi Sasha,
    So glad you found my blog and are enjoying it. As you may know, I’m returning to Silicon Valley to live in January–where do you live in the Bay area? Soon as we’re settled it might be fun to have a cup of coffee!
    My email is ccassara at the aol address. Thanks again for reading!

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