Charting a new course

July 17, 2009

Our conversations the past few days have centered on where we’re going from here. The general direction looks something like this:

Tuesday, I start intensively working out with our trainer. Five days a week. Serious business. Just like a job. M. joins us when he is in town.

M. is holding an estate sale to sell the furniture in his Coral Gables house this month, and preparing the house to either sell or rent.

I’m getting this Tampa house ready for 3 more dogs, 2 cats and M to live in, maybe till the end of the year. M. will move here with them, of course.

I finish teaching mid-August, and start working on the textbook my UT colleague and I are proposing to publishers. And my memoir. 😉

We leave for Italy Sept. 20 and return Oct. 1.

We are, in fact, heading due West. From the Gulfstream waters, to the redwood forests, you might say. Our realtor is continuing to look for what we want, and there’s a chance she’ll find it for us and we’ll zip off to see it–but our next house-hunting trip to California won’t be until early November.

Depending on what happens, we are talking about spending one of the fall/winter holidays somewhere different, like London. For sure we want to hit NYC to see the tree at Rockefeller Center.

Yesterday, we were busy doing banking, investment, real estate and other paperwork that merges our lives.

This is, in fact, the first time in 30 years that I have felt that my life has stabilized. We’re in motion, but on the same page, heading in the same direction, very much in step.

Natural, you might say.

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