Christmas! Wrapping gifts!

November 23, 2009

I’m probably pushing the season, but I have begun to wrap Christmas gifts.

While I still have Christmas bags and wrap squirrelled away, I am also recycling my overall bag collection.

So, my friends, you are as likely to get a Christmas-themed bag and wrap as you are to get a Starbucks brown bag or a Nordstrom bag.

I don’t know, it just seemed right to me.

But still, it is so fun to wrap~!

3 comments on “Christmas! Wrapping gifts!
  1. Alan says:

    I’m open-minded. You can wrap my gift in anything you like.

  2. Alan, you are so funny! I can’t wait till we are settled West and can meet in person so we can see your pince-nez. I have NEVER before known anyone who wears one

    😉 and I love the look!

  3. Alan says:

    Likewise. We need you back here.

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